Aarstad Thompson

Indian Collage with Fire
11.5″x8.5″; scrap paper and glue sticks; 2014

Aarstad Thompson
Roanoke, Virginia, USA


Currently, collage and assemblage are occupying my energies. I let the flow of the making reveal itself to me and then I hold on gently and try to make ego-less decisions until the work/collage can stand on its own.

There is a phrase attributed to the late great Philip Guston. It goes something like this: He said that when he entered his studio at night, he was often accompanied by enemies, critics, bill collectors, naysayers, etc. And as he started to work, slowly they would begin leaving one by one. And, he said that on a good night, even he left the room.


I graduated from Georgia State University with a Bachelor of Fine Arts. Then, I quickly learned the art of “Necessity is the Mother of Invention”. I found that while following love, I sometimes was without a working studio. But, as a result, poetry and the beauty of the word rose to the top of my artistic pecking order. You never know what form the muse is bringing to the table. You just have to show up to eat.


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from the “At the Drive-In” series
11.5″x8.5″; scrap paper and glue sticks; 2014

from the “Man and Nature” series
11.5″x8.5″; scrap paper and glue sticks; 2014

11.5″x8.5″; scrap paper and glue sticks