B Kayla Bell

Poor Roy
11.7″x8.3″; digital; 2023

B Kayla Bell
Worthing, East Sussex, United Kingdom


As a collage artist, I am both architect and archaeologist, constructing worlds from fragments while unearthing the buried narratives hidden within the layers of discarded ephemera. I thrive on the thrill of the hunt for the perfect image that inspires me to repurpose it for a totally new context. I love arranging and rearranging disparate elements to shape completely new visual tales that transcend time and blur the boundaries between reality and imagination.

My artwork explores themes of loneliness, solitude, contentment, anxiety, and unfamiliarity. As my work evolves over time, certain types of imagery rooted in nature reappear. I regularly use plants, clouds, women, rocks, minerals, snow, mountains, sky and the sea. My artistic style is characterised by a distinctive approach to colour. I aim to provide a cohesive visual experience to audience members viewing my work.

I collage with everything! Old stuff, new stuff, AI stuff, even my own photography. I find particular fascination from generations gone before. Vintage catalogues that showcase items no longer available for purchase and brochures from long-abandoned holiday resorts. I wish I could order those items, I wish I could visit those resorts. Collage art allows the intangible to become tangible. Each piece creates a space for endless possibility.

Collage is a conversation with the past, present, and future, where contradictions can coexist in harmony. The tension between opposing forces within each piece gives rise to a visual language that is simultaneously personal and universally resonant.

The works I create are surreal, ethereal, and sometimes eerie. They’re moody, minimalist, and clear. Simple and emotional.


B Kayla Bell is a visual artist and musician currently living and working in Worthing, England creating both digital and analogue collage. Her art practice is influenced by various aspects of her upbringing in a declining fishing town on the rugged Atlantic coast of Newfoundland. A landscape as unforgiving as it is breathtaking. The relentless forces of nature, profound solitude, and inherent volatility that happen there are integral themes in her work. Conversely, she draws inspiration from the contrasting elements of safety, community, and simplicity that characterize the very same environment.


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+44 7590984418



Kunio Confidential
12″x12″; digital; 2024
Everything Is Hilarious
11.7″x8.3″; digital; 2015
Hurry On
11.7″x8.3″; digital; 2015
Secret Admirer
11.7″x8.3″; digital; 2015