Bryanna Millis

Holding up the sky
33″x25″; fabric, paper, acrylic and ink on muslin; 2017

Bryanna Millis
Washington, DC, USA


I use concepts from quantum physics, sacred geometry, myth, and poetry to create collages that access the “infinite without”–the external realm of the cosmos-and the “infinite within”–the internal realm of the heart.

In my canvases and works on paper, I explore the expansiveness of time and space, love and loss, beauty and nonduality–concepts that are limitless not only in the abstract, but also in the myriad ways they can arrange and rearrange themselves in our individual and collective consciousness. I invoke the past, present, and future–often simultaneously–to construct images that feel fractured, chaotic, and haunting, before revealing their patterns, logic, and familiarity. The work suggests that while our movement through time and space may often seem messy and uncomfortable, we are not unmoored or disconnected.

My collages are constructed with layers of meaning. The individual images and materials each contain their own stories, and through their combinations they link to larger, universal messages. After layering papers and fabrics I draw and sew into the pieces, enriching them and connecting the disparate parts.


Using fabric, thread, photographs, papers, paint, and ink, I create collages that are highly textured, and resonant of powerful concepts such as time and space, love and loss, beauty and non duality.

I have been a poet and artist since childhood. I earned degrees in Communications and Fine Arts from the University of Pennsylvania in 1996, before turning to Development Economics and earning an MA in 2004 from the Fletcher School at Tufts University. Since 2008, I have lived and worked on and off in Palestine and Jordan, becoming involved in history, politics and life there and finding a deep well of inspiration for my art.

I have received commissions from the Tahrir Institute for Middle East Policy and private collectors and I exhibit around the Washington, D.C. area at locations including the Torpedo Factory, Artomatic, and Union Market.


(202) 570-6580
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Dreams of Departure
44″x32″; fabric, paper, tissue, acrylic, and ink on muslin; 2017

I open my hands, and open my hands, and open my hands and let go
38″x24″; fabric, burlap, paper, acrylic, and thread on muslin; 2017

The beginning of everything
18″x24″; cut paper and gold thread on paper; 2016

The places from which you stepped into the world
24″x30″; cut paper, gold ink, and acrylic on canvas; 2017