Created from hand-cut paper images, my work relies on both chance and vision.
While I’ve tried at times to organize my supplies into folders, labeling some as “landscapes”, others as “gemstones” and some as “mammals” and “reptiles”, I usually end up discarding these folders and keeping my images in small heaps which I sift through, unsure of what I will find.
Often, while working on a new piece, images that I have forgotten will fall upon my workspace like feathers blown in from some unexpected wind. It is in this place of magic and unknown possibility where I seek to create.
My work has evolved out of periods of love and loss, transcendent bliss and deep pain. I see it as an expression of the anima mundi—the unnamable yet ever unfolding spirit that animates the all of life.
It is my hope that the work I create may exist to the beholder as both a portal and a talisman, a kind of living altar piece to the beyond, the in between, and that which is right beneath.
Dani Adams is a writer, poet, and collage artist living in the mountains of Woodstock, New York. Her work seeks to reveal our connection to both the seen and unseen, creating a kind of visual pathway to the threshold space between reality and dream.
She holds a Master’s degree in English Literature from Georgetown University, where she focused her studies on the themes of repetition and foretelling in Virginia Woolf’s work.
Her poetry has been published in Chronogram Magazine and the Montague Reporter, winning recognition in 2023 for the Poet’s Seat Prize. Beyond her poetry and collage work, she is also working on a three-part magical realist novella and a collection of short “modern myths”.