Marie Conigliaro

Central Hotel
12″x12″ (framed); paper; 2013

Marie Conigiaro
Denver, Colorado, USA


Marie Conigliaro’s juxtaposition of images is a direct expression of the duality often experienced in day-to-day life. A vital part of the human condition is the feeling of existing within multiple realities, with the capacity to encounter seemingly contradictory emotions, ideas or attitudes simultaneously. Such is the draw of surrealism, and artists such as Hieronymus Bosch or Pieter Bruegel, as they offer imagery and fantasy of an antiqued, dreamlike quality that left a definite impression on a young Marie.

For her, collage is a depiction of the fragmented nature of the world we live in, but also of its togetherness. Different and disjointed elements of this world and beyond can be brought together as one through this medium.

Although she rarely sets out to produce specific artwork, thematic threads inevitably emerge. Space and nature themes provide a natural, organic familiarity, while vintage elements spawn pieces of art with an aged look and feel; again, reclaiming something old and evolving it into something simplified and modern (yet another expression of duality and the transformation from one state to another). Relying mainly on my intuition, or the feel of the piece, she assimilates various elements to create an image that resonates with her in the moment. Often the results are simple and quirky, but sometimes they contain a more sober, philosophical undertone. Either way, the work is complete when a strong connection is made with the image created.


Marie is a vintage collage artist born in Danbury, Connecticut. After receiving her interior design degree Cum Laude from Paier College of Art, she began working for a large architectural firm in Hartford specializing in hospitality and casino design. After the 2008 crash and subsequent job loss, she took a position in project management. The transition from a highly creative position to one which offered none was quite difficult, and later prompted her experimentation with collage as an answer to, and outlet for, her pent-up creativity. Marie currently resides in Denver working full-time as office manager and accountant at a Denver-based architecture firm. She enjoys making vintage collage in her spare time.


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12″x12″ framed; hand-cut, analogue collage on Bienfang Artist paper; 2017

12″x12″ framed; hand-cut, analogue collage on Bienfang Artist paper; 2017

Scenic Sunday
12″x12″ framed; paper; 2016

Let’s Obey
14″x11″ framed; paper; 2017