Membership Renewal

Thank you for renewing your subscription to the Kolaj Magazine Artist Directory

The cost of a 12-month membership to the online Kolaj Magazine Artist Directory is $30.00.

Artist Directory members have the option of having a listing in the print edition of the directory that appears in each issue of the magazine. (see example here) Listings are paid advertisements that feature an image as well as the name; city, state, & country; and website or email of the artist. The listings appear in a box that is 3.7 inches wide and 3 inches tall. After you select and send the images to be featured, Kolaj staff will prepare the listing and send you a digital proof. The cost is $60 per issue (or four issues for $160) and includes a 12-month membership to the online directory.


Use the payment option below to renew your membership and make no changes to your Listing. If you would like to make changes to your listing, GO HERE.

Membership Renewal