Coffee Table Book of Pride Flags

Coffee Table Book of Pride Flags: Discovering the LGBT+ Community Through Art

by Jennifer Frederick

Discover pride flags from across the LGBT+ community with handmade designs to accompany each description. The Coffee Table Book of Pride Flags features over one hundred art pieces featuring different identities within the queer community with descriptions of what each word means and, where possible, well known present day and historical figures who fall under that identity.

Ace Pride Flag by Jennifer Frederick
7″x10″; paper and glue; 2022. Courtesy of the artist.

From well known identities like gay, bisexual, and transgender to slightly lesser known identities like asexual, aromantic, and nonbinary to even lesser known orientations like lithromantic, omnisexual, and abrosexual, this book covers pride across the spectrum. Enjoy a brief exploration of subcultures and related communities at the end like those who do drag, the leather community, and polyamorous couples.

Coffee Table Book of Pride Flags: Discovering the LGBT+ Community Through Art
by Jennifer Frederick
152 pages; 8.5″x8.5″
ISBN 979-8-218-27397-2
Self-published, Baltimore, Maryland, USA, 2023

You can purchase the book from Bookshelf, Amazon, or Barnes & Noble.