Seductive Dreams

Seductive Dreams

by David Peniston

David Peniston’s collages and assemblages combine images and found objects to create the visual poetry of seductive dreams. His works of fantasy are peopled with captivating hybrid characters in surreal scenarios. Peniston captures altered realities that tap into mystical traditions.

King Louis XIV WTF?! by David Peniston
9.25″x7.25″; collage; 2010. Courtesy of the artist.

Peniston is interested in the language of the subconscious. Dreams have a lexicon of their own and he tries to be as tuned into that reality as much as possible. Fernando Pessoa said, in his Book of Disquiet, “A state of mind is a landscape; that would have the advantage of containing not a lie of theory but the truth of a metaphor.” 

Seductive Dreams
by David Peniston
64 pages
$28 USD
Exquisite Corpse, Oakland, California, 2015

Contact the artist to purchase the book.