Anemone Avenue (Floral Homes series) 10″x8″; collage of restructured photograph; 2024
Anna Belleforte Soest, Utrecht, Netherlands
My work speaks through architectural forms. I’m interested in exploring architecturality and how it translates visually and relates to the human experience. For example, how buildings and spaces shape our lives, express our condition, and give us comfort (or not). I use collage to play with architectural shapes, contrasts, and colors to build something fictional, or I take the printed image and “restructure”. Maps are also a huge paper source for me, which I use in pure form to restructure documented places or in acrylic-tinted form to build toward an unknown architectural outcome.
Dutch-Canadian artist Anna Belleforte draws on a background in art history (MA, Queen’s University, Canada) and architectural conservation (MA, York University, UK). The act of making by hand at an “overseeable” scale motivated her transition (back) to art. She undertakes residencies abroad, produces commissioned work about place, and was a finalist in the 2021 Salt Spring Art Prize.