Benjamin Heneberry

Don’t Hesitate to Ask for Assistance
14″x11″; acrylic and collage on paper; 2021

Benjamin Heneberry
Los Angeles, California, USA


The material I use–old magazines, books, photography, oil, acrylic, enamel, cyanotype, found objects, etc.–are less important than the intent behind their use, which is itself of lesser importance than the
effect, if any, these works have upon the viewer. I find it easier to explain the “how” of their creation (arrange items on a substrate, glue or transfer, paint out what I don’t like, highlight what I do, repeat
as necessary) than the “why” of their creation, and I find to my embarrassment my eloquence completely betrays me when asked to explain their intended meaning. All I know is I want you to look at my work and FEEL. Because what else is there? Artist statements are ultimately redundant, because art IS the statement. My only hope is that you listen.


I was born in the back of a bus on a hippie commune outside of Summertown, Tennessee. I grew up on the road, frequently homeless, eating and sleeping in vans, tents, and cheap hotels. It was here I developed my love of trash, detritus, abandoned histories and things discarded. Everything is experience, everything material for collage. These days I live in Los Angeles. I have exhibited at Alexander Salazar Fine Art in San Diego, California; Dab Art in Ventura, California; D’art Center in Norfolk, Virginia; and am a contributor to the international art & design magazine 46pgs.


(213) 909-7343
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Cold, Clammy Air
11″x14″; acrylic and collage on board; 2022
Take Pride in Your Problems
24″x24″; oil, enamel, and collage on canvas; 2023
Moral Judgment
14″x11″; oil and collage on board; 2022
From the Inside Out
12″x12″; oil, enamel, and collage on board; 2023