Camila Mancilla

Breaking Your Chain Lips
11″x8″; paper collage construction on Masonite; 2022

Camila Mancilla
Alexandria, Virginia, USA


Camila Mancilla’s multifaceted artistic practice unites paper construction and video immersive installations, utilizing collage as both a conceptual and mechanical tool. Her innovative approach to collage, infused with elements of neo-medieval philosophy, psychoanalysis, and anthropology, enables her to explore the intricate relationships between cutting, wounds, and the interiority of both buildings and the human body.

Mancilla’s tridimensional collages transcend the confines of traditional representation, delving into the conceptual idea of cutting as an exploratory action. By carefully dissecting and reassembling visual fragments, she exposes the inner workings of architectural and human forms, shedding light on the hidden dimensions of our physical existence. Her work challenges our perception of space and form, revealing a complex, interconnected world that lies beneath the surface.

Drawing inspiration from neo-medieval philosophy, Mancilla’s art is deeply rooted in the concept of transformation and regeneration. Her collages probe the boundaries between life and death, growth and
decay, and the physical and the metaphysical. These themes are further enriched by her engagement with psychoanalytic and anthropological theories, which provide a multidisciplinary lens through which to examine the human experience.

Mancilla’s video immersive installations expand her tridimensional collage practice into the realm of moving images, enveloping viewers in a sensory exploration of space, time, and emotion. These immersive experiences invite the audience to contemplate the intricate connections between architectural spaces and the human psyche, fostering a deeper understanding of the self and our surroundings.

In Mancilla’s art, collage serves as a powerful exploratory tool that drives her research and informs her creative practice. By skillfully intertwining paper construction, video installations, and theoretical frameworks, she offers a refreshing and thought-provoking perspective on the interplay between art, architecture, and the human experience.


Camila Mancilla is an architect whose work focuses on architectural drawings using the collage technique. As a dedicated educator, she currently serves as a collage storytelling instructor at Virginia Tech and teaches architectural representation at Universidad Austral de Chile.

Mancilla’s research explores the intersections between architecture and cutting, delving into semiotics and its impact on the architect’s imagination. Her doctoral dissertation at Washington-Alexandria Architecture Center (WAAC) Virginia Tech examined architectural representation through the unique lens of monster studies.

Having gained international recognition, Mancilla has exhibited her exceptional work in numerous solo and group exhibitions across the globe, including The Netherland, Russia, Croatia, the United States, Spain, and Chile. Notable exhibition venues include the Museum of Contemporary Art in Valdivia, Chile, Santa Rosa Gallery in Santiago de Chile, and Gallery Panther in Alexandria, Virginia, where she is a resident artist.

A member of the Chilean Architecture Association, Mancilla is also a professor at the prestigious Universidad Austral de Chile. Her academic background includes a Master’s degree in Cultural Heritage
from Escuela de Arquitectura UC, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, further illustrating her commitment to preserving and celebrating the intricate relationship between art, architecture, and cultural heritage.


(202) 355-5463
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Rite of Passage
8″x11″; paper collage construction on Masonite; 2023
Clitoral Architecture
25″x25″; paper collage construction on Masonite; 2022
11″x8″; paper collage construction on canvas; 2023