Emily Denlinger

Consequence Management
18″x12″; analog magazine collage digitally layered with ink painting, final image presented as Digital C Print; 2023

Emily Denlinger
Cape Girardeau, Missouri, USA


Emily Denlinger’s collage images capture her psychological interpretation of reality. As someone with an active dream life, she works to find the connections between her awake and asleep lives. Denlinger is particularly interested in exploring themes surrounding the military-industrial complex and its impact on regular citizens’ day-to-day lives along with issues of identity, survival, truth, and power. She is interested in the way these topics surface consciously and subconsciously while she is creating. Her 2D images and time-based works incorporate mass produced media, vintage 8mm home movies, hand drawn and digitally manipulated calligraphy, dyed paper, and photography.


Emily Denlinger’s art incorporates and makes commentary on mass produced media. Her artwork has been exhibited in galleries and museums across the country and has been collected internationally. Denlinger currently resides in Cape Girardeau, Missouri, working as Professor of Photography and New Media at Southeast Missouri State University. Originally from Ohio, she received a BFA in 2D Art with a
Concentration in Photography from Bowling Green State University in Bowling Green, Ohio. She went on study at Maryland Institute College of Art in Baltimore, Maryland, where she earned a MA in Digital Art,
which she then transferred into an MFA in Photography and Digital Imaging.


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Molded from Clay
18″x12″; analog magazine collage digitally layered with ink painting, final image presented as Digital C Print; 2023
Paradise Lost
18″x12″; analog magazine collage digitally layered with ink painting, final image presented as Digital C Print; 2023
Recalibrate Core Power Happier Than Ever
18″x12″; analog magazine collage photographed in 3-dimensional studio space, final image presented as Digital C Print; 2024
Curious Masquerade
18″x12″; analog magazine collage photographed in nature, final image presented as Digital C Print; 2024