My work is completely analog. I enjoy the hunt for imagery in the piles of picture books and vintage magazines that I come across. I harvest my materials by either cutting them out with one of a variety of x-acto knives, or simply ripping them out. I find that the torn page, or remnants of book/magazine bindings really helps to breathe individuality into each piece…serving as a reminder that the cleanest lines are not always the most natural. I’ve recently been experimenting with the 3-D layering of materials as well. The biggest thrill I get is forcing perspectives, and matching or lining up subjects in a way that is thoughtful, but still has an unusual flow to it.
I’m an analog collage artist, residing in Grand Rapids, Michigan. I began collaging during the initial round of Covid quarantining, as a way to meditate and keep a somewhat level head. From there, I’ve already had two exhibitions, here in Grand Rapids, in addition to 5 different commission pieces. The process of making the commissions, I forced myself to expand my horizons by mounting everything on stretched canvas-as opposed to just the 8.5”x11” card stock that I started my journey on.
As an old soul, I naturally gravitate towards using the imagery of vintage published materials. I find it to be a beautiful art form that is often overlooked, or overshadowed by other visual art forms, such as illustration, painting, sculpture, digital mumbo-jumbo, etc…