Teenage Angst 30″x22″; vintage periodical and book images and painted mylar on white Arches paper; 2024
Louise Laplante Easthampton, Massachusetts, USA
My work is inspired by my attraction to old paper for its contents, and vintage images for their evocative beauty. Working in collage allows for free association, using vintage periodical and book images to create discrete worlds merging image, color, and placement. I play with concepts and redefine reality, combining their elements intuitively sometimes with an idea of what I want to achieve and sometimes just letting the elements themselves drive the image, one thing leading to another. I cover them in wax which serves to encase the collage, protecting it as one wood a special memento. There is always something of a surrealist element to collage, letting logic and reality go. The results are pictorial “dreams”, bits of reality recombined to produce a new free-form invented world.
Louise Laplante studied at the Art Institute of Boston, received my BFA at the College of New Rochelle and MA in Fine Art at SUNY Albany, and started actively exhibiting her work in the 1980’s, in galleries in New York, New England, and around the country. She works in numerous media, pastel, oil pastel, mixed media with wax on panel, and collage. She was the recipient of the Money for Women/Barbara Deming Memorial Fund grant and a finalist for a Massachusetts Cultural Council Artists Grants, Drawing/Printmaking/Artist Books, and Blanche E. Colman Award.
Gentle Men 50″x38″; vintage periodical and book images on white Arches paper; 2024Someday…I Want to Meet Hopalong Cassidy! 30″x22″; vintage periodical images on white Arches paper; 2023Sophia Dyed for Hers 30″x22″; vintage periodical images and painted mylar on white Arches paper; 2024Vitruvian Man 50″x38″; vintage periodical and book images on white Arches paper; 2024