My inspirations come from my interest in dreams, horror films, and the works of Edgar Allen Poe and Stephen King. Benign images are cut from magazines and discarded books, and combined in a way to give the viewer a glimpse into some strange and imaginary world. Eyes stare out of trees, references to “home” are anything but homey, and hands reach down from the sky wanting to pluck some innocent person or object up into the sky. Birds frequently appear in my work; they symbolize guides to help the viewer negotiate these strange stories.
Marsha Shaw was born in Los Angeles and currently works and lives in San Luis Obispo California. Shaw received a Master of Fine Arts from California College of the Arts in San Francisco and an M.A. in Painting and a B.A Studio Arts from California State University Northridge. While working on her Master’s Degree at Cal State Northridge, Shaw was selected to work with Judy Chicago on a collaborative project called Envisioning the Future. Shaw taught drawing and design at De Anza Community College and was the manager of Mission Grafica, the printmaking studio at Mission Cultural Center for Latino Arts in San Francisco. She has lectured and taught courses in bookmaking, printmaking, and mixed media art at California College of the Arts, San Francisco Center for the Book, Richmond Art Center, Arts Benicia, Museum of Children’s Art, Mendocino Art Center and Maine Media College and Design. Shaw’s work is in several collections and has been exhibited both nationally and internationally.