Water & Fire 32″x32″; paper collage on board; 2008
Maryse Parant Montreal, Quebec, Canada
I don’t think there’s a particular approach to my work since collage is always here, present, as a potentiality. I don’t cut or play with images. My interest is in the dialogue among colors and textures. Shapes, how they relate or how I can undo that relationship, trying to gauge the resistance or the affinities. I dislike boredom. Collage aims at breaking the constructs around me so to find a new voice, an unexpected gesture, a posture, an unpredictable link. This undoing will need to be redone tomorrow and every other day, and that’s the good part. As for perhaps the bad one, I don’t do theory. Cheers.
Well, an old fat woman who has been cutting and gluing paper for the past six decades, sometimes motivated by joy, or passion, pain, loneliness, even hope; also by a deep interest for what happens in front of my eyes. I’ve sometimes stitched my way through days of patience. At times, curious, I used mixed media to see how it would support the collage act. Although, for years, I viewed myself mainly as a writer and poet. I’ve never received awards, I have no major accomplishments, never made it to an exhibition of my work. I’m the resilient type, a happy one at that. And I listen to a lot of music.
Le Gars (The Guy) (detail) 31″x43″; paper collage on plastic sheet; 2009Folklore de l’avenir (Future Folklore) (detail) 44″x46″; paper collage on wood; 2019Langues mixtes (Mixed Languages) (installation view) dimensions vary; paper collage on six wooden planks; 2020Place publique (Public Place) (detail) 31″x64″; paper collage on wood; 2020