Benjamin et Jeanne 12.4″x14.6″; old photographs on book cover with handwriting; 2020
Nancy Dominique Sainte-Ode, Belgium
When I began collage, at the age of twenty-two, it was with a strong attraction for surrrealism.
But I notice that the more I get older, the more I like to work with and from old books.
I like the touch and the scent of old paper, the nostalgia of vintage illustrations, and stories that antique frames and objects may tell. This sentimental value fascinates me.
It’s a pleasure to extract from old books original and precious pieces to save them from the trash. Everything that expresses the traces of time is particularly precious to me. Starting from these disparate elements, it is always a beautiful discovery–and a new surprise–to reconstruct something coherent and, I hope, beautiful.
I have been collecting small objects and photographs for a long time, and now I have enough to work on a form of universal memory: by linking these disparate elements, I give a face to the people whose writings have come to me. I try to recreate moments of their lives. Then I give them a name.
I hope that these “reconstructions” can also arouse emotions in others, revive their memories, and make them want to keep track their family histories.
Nancy Dominique is a Belgian collage and mixed-media artist, born in 1968 in Bastogne, where she still lives and works.
She is self-taught and has been practicing collage for thirty years. She takes occasional courses according the needs of the moment, to learn techniques useful to her projects: bookbinding, cardboard work, sculpture, drawing.
She has exhibited her work many times since 2000, in personal and group exhibitions, in Belgium and abroad.
Rebecca 4.5″x6.9″x0.8″; photography, handwriting, and fabric in an old box; 2020Geneviève 8.3″x5.1″x1″; photography, handwriting and velvet in an old religioius box; 2020Clémence. Patience. Persévérance. 7.5″x5.1″x3.9″; photography, shell, velvet in an antique clock case; 2020Félicie 7.1″x9.8″; old photography and handwriting on book cover; 2018