Robin Muccari

29″x18″x6.75; magazine photos, colored paper, wires, foam board, and wood; 2024

Robin Muccari
Toronto, Ontario, Canada


My work has transitioned to three-dimensional, analog collages that display energetic motion, express impulsive emotions, and explore physical space. These pieces play with perspective in depth among photographs, shapes, and wires while providing shadows commonly used as effects in digital collage.


Robin Muccari is an artist, illustrator, and designer located in Toronto, Ontario. His art ranges from analog to digital across collage, illustration, and animation. Alumni of The School of the Art Institute of Chicago, he has exhibited in The Rockefeller Center, Nippon Steel headquarters, The Artist Project, Northern Contemporary, and was part of the Kolaj Institute’s Collage Artist Residency: Scotland.


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Tourists photographing surfers
18″x24″x13″; magazine photos, colored paper, wires, foam board, and wood; 2023
Post-pandemic airline mess
16″x27″x9″; magazine photos, colored paper, wires, foam board, and wood; 2023
Hiding oneself
17″x16″x6″; magazine photos, colored paper, wires, foam board, and wood; 2024
Folded, free-flowing, ice cold drinks
11″x9″x6″; magazine photos, colored paper, wires, foam board, and wood; 2024