Collage Art & Book Market at Kolaj Fest New Orleans 2024
in the Great Hall of the New Orleans Healing Center
2374 Saint Claude Avenue, New Orleans, Louisiana 70117 USA
Saturday, 15 June 2024
Part of Kolaj Fest New Orleans, the Collage Art & Book Market is an opportunity for the general public to meet artists and publishers and to take in the rich and diverse cultural production of the international collage community. The public will be invited to peruse vendor displays or attend a talk or demonstration. The event is free and open to the public.
Here is a preview of some of the participating vendors. If you are a registered participant and want to vend at the market, please speak to someone at the Information Table.

12″x19″; paper collage; 2022. Selling as 10″x8″ print. Courtesy of the artist.
Amber Cooper
Washington, DC
Amber Cooper, whose collage uses vintage Black ephemera, is selling collage prints ranging in size from 5″x7″ to 11″x14″. www.collageandvision.net

Andrea Burgay
Brooklyn, New York
Andrea Burgay is the founder and editor of Cut Me Up Magazine, a participatory magazine of visual call and response. She also explores collage concepts and processes through interviews and curatorial projects. In her studio, Andrea creates collage works by adding and removing layers of handmade and collected materials. At the market, she is selling Cut Me Up 12: Eros and Cut Me Up 13: Nearby, Between. www.cutmeupmagazine.com

Ben DiNino
Minneapolis, Minnesota
Ben DiNinowill have copies of his limited edition book and box set, “THIS SIDE TOWARD SCREEN”, created to highlight his collages made from slide and negative film. www.bendinino.com
Cassie Tarr
New Orleans, Louisiana
New Orleanian collagist Cassie Tarr indulges in the tactile quality of obsolete analog media. Using repurposed and recycled materials, her work is equal parts assemblage, sculpture, and painting. www.cassietarr.com

Claudia Lynch
New Orleans, Louisiana
Claudia Lynch is selling Collage/Bricolage, and some paper collage materials and odds and ends from her own stash. She’s also offering prints and books from her popular ShoeStories™ series, and some photographs of unusual things she finds on the street. INSTAGRAM

13″x13″; collage; 2023. Courtesy of the artist.
Craig Auge
Kansas City, Missouri
In Craig Auge’s work, he explores relationships; the relationship between material, shape, color, gesture and mark-making. These formal explorations potentially speak to relationships with self, each other, and what we call reality. Traditional notions of collage & craft, alternative bookmaking, sculpture, and design merge. Auge is offering a big variety of small and medium collage on paper, collage buttons, a
small selection of collaged objects/sculpture, curated ephemera kits, and a few small, handmade, alternative books. www.craigdeppenauge.com

Dolores Hopper
New Orleans, Louisiana
Dolores Hopper is a professional archivist who loves paper and paper arts. She will be offering packets of the unusual and beautiful papers she has collected over the years. She thinks collage artists will appreciate her hand-printed and inked papers as well as pages from old books. INSTAGRAM

Jessa Dupuis
Cobble Hill, British Columbia
Jessa is offering her fun collage starter kits (with awesome stainless steel stork scissors) at a fantastic price, plus brand-new TEENY TINY sketchbook kits! Also, don’t miss her mini art and 5″x7″ paper collage pieces, which are priced sweetly for fellow collage fans and artists. All make perfect gifts for sparking creativity and collage love! www.jessadupuis.art

7.75″x5.75″; collage on cardboard; 2022
Ric Kasini Kadour
New Orleans, Louisiana & Montreal, Quebec
Ric Kasini Kadour’s art practice is concept-driven and project-based. He makes a variety of objects–photographs, prints, collage, and sculpture–that he uses to tell stories, often in museum installations. Themes range from epistemology, history, archives, and society’s relationship with art, to more personal themes of intimacy, loss, epiphany and memory that point to an emerging new reality or consciousness. Kadour will have original analog collages for sale at the Market. www.rickasinikadour.com
Stephanie Almendariz can be found weekly at Sacramento, California Midtown Farmers market where she shows her work and hosts pop-up collage workshops. She is bringing that energy to the Collage Art & Book Market, where the collagist will host a Pop-Up Street Art Class for the general public. Stop by, learn, and make some collage! Look for Stephanie outside the Healing Center near the entrance to the New Orleans Food Co-op.

Kolaj Magazine & Institute
New Orleans, Louisiana
Kolaj Magazine is an internationally-oriented, printed, art magazine that reviews and surveys contemporary collage. We are interested in collage as a medium, a genre, a community, and a 21st century art movement. Kolaj Institute publishes books that document and diffuse ideas that deepen our understanding of collage as a medium, a genre, a community, and a 21st century movement. Books are often outcomes of residencies, fellowships, and other projects. www.kolajinstitute.org