36″x48″; California travel guide, using sections highlighting the Sacramento area; 2017. Courtesy of the artist.
Collage on the Street & in the Classroom
Thursday, 13 June 2024, 2:30-4PM
John Thompson Legacy Center
Stephanie Almendariz
New Orleans-area Educators are invited to attend this free, special event. Please RSVP HERE.
Kolaj Fest New Orleans is a multi-day festival and symposium about contemporary collage and its role in art, culture, and society, 12-16 June 2024. Visit the website to learn more, see an overview of the program, and register to attend.
Stephanie Almendariz can be found weekly at Sacramento, California Midtown Farmers market where she shows her work and hosts pop-up collage workshops. “All my art is made out of little pieces of paper and the paper will tell the story of the image.” The 2017 collage, Tower Bridge, for example is “made from a California travel guide with pages selected highlighting the Sacramento area, where the bridge is located.” In addition to being an artist, she educates school groups about different ways to express themselves through art and collage.
During this workshop, Almendariz will share her art practice, how she engages with the community through pop-up street collage, and speak about how to bring collage into the school environment. “Teaching creativity and design in a free-flow and fast-paced environment through mini-lessons, these classes would be suitable for any school age and art level.” She will share her strategies to help others design collage who may have never worked with this medium before showing students their creative possibilities. Almendariz will also host a roundtable discussion for educators who want to share their own strategies for bringing collage in the classroom.
New Orleans-area Educators are invited to attend this free, special event. Please RSVP HERE.
Stephanie Almendariz lives and works in the Sacramento, California area. She started designing collage in 2008. She has worked with the Crocker Art Museum in Sacramento for pop-up educational events, juried art shows for The Mills Station Arts and Cultural Center (MACC), and interviewed on several local TV stations. She shows her work at the Midtown Farmers Market in Sacramento and other local events. She also educates school groups about different ways of self-expression through art and collage. thereclaimistart.com.
Kolaj Fest New Orleans is a multi-day festival and symposium about contemporary collage and its role in art, culture, and society, 12-16 June 2024. Visit the website to learn more, see an overview of the program, and register to attend.