Collages Chosen for Awards for Doug + Laurie Kanyer Art Collection
On 12 December 2019, the Doug + Laurie Kanyer Art Collection of Yakima, Washington, USA announced the selection of Top Award Winners and Honourable Mentions for “Finding A Place of My Own” Photo Series + Analog Collage Purchase Award held on Instagram. The announcement was made on both Instagram and Facebook.
Eighteen collagists were selected for Top Awards Winner and eight collagists were selected for Honourable Mention by jurors mr.babies and co-founder Laurie Kanyer.
The Theme of the Call to Artists Purchase Award was “Finding a Place of My Own”. The intention of the call was to offer collagists a chance to use collage as a vehicle to explore what it means to search for one’s own place, where one feels as though they belong.
For some time, the Kanyers have been inspired by the work of @mr.babies, who often creates collages using psychedelic images with large eyes and sweeping vistas. @mr.babies is known for posting a series of images on Instagram with one shared element placed on many backgrounds. At the end of the series, the viewer finds the final piece. To The Kanyers this visually represents the journey to belong, as mr.babies uses his art to illustrate a deeply human need.

Courtesy of the artist.
In October 2019, the Collectors invited artists to use @mr.babies’ process of using a single element in many backgrounds for this competition. Each artist was asked to make a sequence of five collages and to submit the collages for jurying to #findingaplaceofmyown on Instagram.
Each top award winner received a $75.00 cash award, a mr.babies print and a year subscription to Kolaj Magazine. A softcover book featuring all the Award Winners and Honorable Mentions will be published sometime mid 2020.
The Top Award Winners are Sarah-Twiggy Boyer, Morgan Bukovec, Kike Congrains, Jeremiah Duncan, Kellette Elliott, FANCLUB13, Riikka Fransila, Luciana Frigerio, Roberta Guarna, Annelise Hewitt, Betty Klaasse, Adam Lalonde, Isabelle Milkoff, Kacylia Pistoia, Clarisse Poupard, María Elisa Quiaro, Frances Ryan, and Svena Steinbrecher.
The Honourable Mentions are Ruth M. Belmont, Julie Bitz, Lucie Bosquin, Delphine Médioni, Caitlin Moline, Stephen Prosper, Derek Savard, and Adrienne Simmons.