Jaclyn McCabe

Everything Is Everything
18″x18″; mixed media collage on paper; 2024

Jaclyn McCabe
New Orleans, Louisiana, USA


Art is an incredible way to explore, feel, and sort through my emotions and experiences––especially those that don’t make sense to me—and my process for creating it is organic and intuitive. It starts with a found image, often from a book or magazine, and I combine other found images or my own photography to create layered works that reflect the complexities of life. Occasionally, I begin with a clear direction in my mind, but more often the composition reveals itself to me. Since childhood, song lyrics have been a way for me to connect with and narrate emotions, and they remain a central influence in my art. While creating a composition, I invite a song to find me: I hit shuffle on a playlist and lose myself in the work. Before long, a lyric catches my ear, perfectly capturing the event I’m trying to articulate. From there, the song begins to shape the mood and guide the composition. I refer to my art practice as “following the wonder.” It reflects my spiritual practice of listening to the subtle guidance of the universe—like following breadcrumbs left on the path and trusting they’ll lead somewhere meaningful.


New Orleans based artist Jaclyn McCabe starts each of her vibrant collages the same way. Step one: observe. She watches closely, listens intently, and lets the piece take her where she needs to go. Sometimes, it’s to a place of whimsy and awe-inspiring beauty. Sometimes, it’s a place of difficult emotions. It’s occasionally both. That approach makes perfect sense for Jaclyn. After all, observation has been central to every chapter of her life—first as a cultural anthropologist and photojournalist, then as a life coach and an intuitive healer. Jaclyn describes her collages (and the process of creating them) as a place to “put the emotions.” They beautifully blend lyrics by her favorite musical artists and found images from books or magazines. The results are something inspirational—and open to interpretation. She wants anyone who views her art to see and feel something wholly unique to them. When she’s not in her Bywater home studio collaging or coaching, you’ll find Jaclyn exploring the bayous in her little boat, riding her bike. or taking in live local music.




18″x12″; mixed media collage on paper; 2024
Two Of Us On The Run
16″x16″; mixed media collage on paper; 2025
Returner #1
22″x18″; mixed media collage on paper; 2024
There’s A Girl
18″x18″; mixed media collage on paper; 2024