My current collage work grew out of some simple shifts in my studio practice. I stopped using oil paint in favor of house paint and indulged a latent interest in working with packaging cartons (pasta, cereal, lightbulb boxes, etc.). The unfolded forms served as a starting point for the construction of the collages. The compositions integrate the use of the spade form, which I reconfigure in various ways. The intimate scale allows me a particular attention to detail that I find completely engaging. The work is as much about the compelling desire to find the right arrangement of color and form that is both satisfying and surprising, as it is about the simple pleasure of working with humble materials.
Janice La Motta is a visual artist with an over forty-year career as a studio artist and as an arts administrator having held positions as museum curator, artistic director, nonprofit executive director, and owner of a contemporary fine arts gallery. She has exhibited widely throughout the Northeast. Since 2020 she has been pursuing her studio practice full time. She lives and works in the mid-Hudson Valley, New York.