Mara Laïka

Grace VI
10″x8″; paper collage; 2015

Mara Laïka
Montreal, Quebec, Canada


Early, Mara Laïka started collecting images and paper, but did not dare to cut or paste. She expressed herself elsewhere, dancing, acting, writing. In 2011, she joined images that had been asking to meet for a long time. She has not stopped since. Through her minimalist paper collages, Mara endeavours to reveal the essence of her subjects and to capture them in a state of grace.


Born in Montreal, Quebec, in 1978, Mara Laïka is a self-taught collage artist working alone in her little workshop full of books and magazines she happily cuts through. She first studied literature and modern languages, then drama, then religious studies, then translation, then religious studies again. She works as a video descriptor, writing descriptions that allow the blind to enjoy films and television.


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Myrrh Gusher VII
10″x8″; paper collage; 2011

Myrrh Gusher XII
10″x8″; paper collage; 2016

10″x8″; paper collage; 2018

Ablutions II
10″x8″; paper collage; 2018