Mavis Martini

Never Before in America at This Price
17″x14″; paper collage on Bristol; 2020

Mavis Martini
Hampstead, North Carolina, USA


Mavis Martini’s “modtage”/collage work is inspired by the aesthetics of the “Mad Men” era of advertising, notably the optimism and anticipation for the future as reflected in what seems today as an irrational-even surreal-exuberance. She frequently juxtaposes the manufactured images from advertising with those of the natural world.


Mavis Martini began creating her collage /”modtage” works in 2012. Strictly using vintage magazines and old books in an analog process, she is a self-taught artist transforming a hobby into a more deliberate activity.

She currently maintains a day job in the film industry and anticipates expanding her modtage avocation into décor items such as vases, magnets and boxes.


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Now That You’ve Acquired a Taste
14″x11″; paper collage on Bristol; 2020
Our Lady of Guacamole
14″x11″; paper collage on Bristol; 2016
Super Freedom Shag
14″x11″; paper collage on Bristol; 2020
You Alone Can Know the Wonder
12″x9″; paper collage on Bristol