Ross Dalziel

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11.69″x8.27″; handmade photo collage; 2017

Ross Dalziel
Worcester Park, Surrey, United Kingdom


I’ve always loved surrealist works of art. I like creating artwork that make people think and question why. Collage is a great form of expression and a chance to craft new and interesting compositions. I mainly use found images from magazines and old books to create my work. Some images will instantly jump out to me for future construction piece ideas, while some almost come together by chance. I love the analogue nature of hand-cut collage and enjoy the creation process.


Ross Dalziel is a Graphic Designer and Photo Collage Artist working and living in London. After working digitally in front of a computer screen for twenty years, he recently found great joy in crafting handmade paper collage creations from old magazines and books, embracing old-school techniques.

He has had artwork published in the collection: Making The Cut Vol.1 | The World’s Best Collage Artists. He has also featured in the National Collage Society annual exhibit and the Edinburgh Collage Collective project.


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11.69″x8.27″; handmade photo collage; 2018

11.69″x8.27″; handmade photo collage; 2018

Natural Beauty
11.69″x8.27″; handmade photo collage; 2018

11.69″x8.27″; handmade photo collage; 2017