Stefano Carbone

ExVoto (Art Noveau)
23.4″x16.5″; road posters, photo, paper, gold leaf; 2024

Stefano Carbone
Madrid, Spain


My work as a visual artist is closely connected with my poetic work. The themes I address range from introspection, solitude, and relationships with others to issues related to social advocacy, LGBTQIA+ rights, personal and collective self-determination, migration, and mental health. The materials I use mainly come from the streets (posters, pieces of walls, etc.). I have a particular interest in recycling what people generally consider no longer usable, recombining colors and textures to give them new meaning, and immersing my reflections on paper in the vibrations of the big city: giving them new life and new energy.


Stefano Carbone was born in Bari (Italy) in 1987. He graduated in Literature and Journalism from the Università degli Studi di Bari Aldo Moro. Since childhood, he has loved art and writing. He completed his undergraduate thesis in Ribera Sacra (Galicia) on medieval art history. Since then, he has lived in Spain. He completed a master’s degree in Tourism and Business Management (USC) in 2017. He worked as a journalist for various cultural information websites, specializing in human and LGBTQIA+ rights.
Now he is living in Madrid where he dedicates all his time to art and poetry, privately studying plastic arts and creative poetic writing. He organizes poetic and collage workshops and events, collaborating with public organizations for events like the LGBTQIA+ Pride. He published his first poetry book titled Tierra Prometida with the publisher La Poesía Mancha and has traveled to Italy, Mexico, and Colombia to present it. His second poetry collection CaliX was released in April 2024 under the Granada-based publisher Averso. He co-coordinated the charity poetry anthology Versos contra el genocidio, published in March 2024 by the publisher Petalurgia. He was one of the invited artists at the 2023 Voix Vives poetry and arts festival in Toledo, where he, along with other artists, held an exhibition and several poetry-collage workshops.


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Todos sabían (Homocausto)
23.4″x16.5″; road posters, photo, paper; 2024
Mariposas en el estomago
23.4″x16.5″; road posters, photo, paper; 2024
11.7″x8.3″; road posters, photo, paper; 2023
Marsha P. Johnson
23.4″x16.5″; road posters, photo, paper, watercolors; 2024