Exquisite Corpse – An Introduction


Kolaj #7 explored collaboration and collage. Contributor W. David Powell took this idea and engaged three teams of artists in a game of Exquisite Corpse.

To read the complete article and see all the collages,

EXQUISITE CORPSE. – Game of folded paper which consists of having several people compose a phrase or drawing collectively, none of the participants having any of the nature of the preceding contribution or contributions. The now classical example, which gave its name to the game, is the first phrase obtained in this manner: The exquisite—corpse—shall drink—the young—wine.
(Dictionnaire abrégé du surréalisme.)

W. David Powell explains the game, “…the surrealist game cadavre exquis was first played in Paris in 1925 in the apartment of the eccentric Marcel Duhamel. Duhamel’s apartment was in a hotel that he was running primarily to provide food and lodging for Jacques Prévert, Yves Tanguay, and later, Benjamin Perét….they first played cadavre exquis, a game of chance, not as a gamble, but as an experiment in random associations. …it is played on folded paper where the words are written according to a series of instructions and hidden from the next participant. The story is revealed only when the game is complete. The game began as an exercise in random phrase generation, but soon became a game with images, both drawn and collaged.”

The teams:
Rio Blanco Riders
The Europeans
The Tontine