Review: Lily Hinrichsen’s Assemblages at FLYNNDOG


5 September-31 October 2015

Lily Hinrichsen’s assemblages, part of “Altared/Altered States: A Journey into our Dreams”,
at FLYNNDOG, Burlington, Vermont

Kimberly Musial Datchuk reviewed Lily Hinrichsen’s work in “Altared/Altered States”. Here is an excerpt from the review.

In “Altared/Altered States: A Journey into our Dreams” at FLYNNDOG, Lily Hinrichsen’s assemblages create a fantasy world replete with shadowy dangers, triumphs, and defeats. The thirty-five boxes, jointly referred to as “Homages to my Dreams,” consist of everyday materials, many of which have associations with childhood and women’s work, such as buttons, thimbles, pins, thread, and miniature dolls. The arrangement of the assemblages forms a loose narration about life, beginning with conception and moving through stages of innocence, independence, and finding love.


This review appeared in Issue 10 of Kolaj Magazine. To read the entire review, purchase Issue 10 or SUBSCRIBE.


208 Flynn Avenue
Burlington, Vermont 05401 USA
(802) 363-4746

Monday-Friday, 7AM-4PM
Saturday-Sunday, 9AM-Noon


Top: If I Only Stand Still
by Lily Hinrichsen
mixed media in tin

Centre: Reclamation
by Lily Hinrichsen
mixed media in tin