CoLABELage at Collage-O-Rama

Label Collage by Ira Carter
11″x14″; 2023. Courtesy of the artist.


CoLABELage at Collage-O-Rama

at Slip Gallery in Seattle, Washington, USA
10 May-9 June 2024

Presented by the Special Agent Collage Collective

“Your mission is to collage on labels. Any size. Any format.”

Over 170 artists responded to this prompt, generating 1000+ analog collages ranging in size from a petite half inch to a full page. Initially conceived of as a mail art swap, the enthusiastic response led to this substantial exhibition and creation of Special Agent Collage Collective’s permanent collage archive.

Label Collages by Cheryl Chudyk
14″x11″; 2024. Courtesy of the artist.

The presentation without framing and deliberately informal substrate is a countering force to gatekeeping and exclusivity in the landscape of fine art. The participants did not pay an entry fee for participation, and there are no dues associated with membership to Special Agent Collage Collective. Every entry received is displayed without judgement or hierarchy. I can see this work enlarged on the sides of imposing buildings, creating a dialogue rather than a barrier. I can see it on billboards, signaling an alternative to
consumer culture. These label collages serve as a collective document, a time capsule that will be available for future revisiting.

During the exhibition, visitors can create their own collage and see it within the context of the exhibition.

(text adapted from material provided by the organizers)


Slip Gallery
2301 First Avenue
Seattle, Washington 98121 USA

Friday-Sunday, Noon-6PM (during the exhibition)