it’s a small world

Unearthing the Patterns by Anastasia Kirages
10″x8″; collage with paper, 1930s wallpaper and substrate from artist Ravi Singh; 2024. Courtesy of the artist.


it’s a small world

at Hardy & Nance Studios in Houston, Texas, USA
20 April-1 June 2024

it’s a small world
idiom—used to show surprise when one meets someone one knows at an unexpected place or finds out that one shares a friend, acquaintance, etc., with another person (Merriam Webster Dictionary)

And what about when one shares a feeling, or idea, an object, or an image; how universal and accessible so much can be in this world, especially in the current age of technology. People are so easily connected to one another, even while living thousands of miles apart.

This show is about all of that and more.

To demonstrate the theme, “it’s a small world” curator, Chasity Porter, and eleven artists from Texas and New York were tasked with creating a small work on 10″x8″ paper, while incorporating at least three of five preselected elements, hand-picked by Chasity’s 12 year old daughter. The show is hung grid-style in a 47”x47”x3” shadow box.

Artists in the show are: Amara Hartman (New York), Anastasia Kirages (Texas), Andrea Burgay (New York), Brittnee Lavender (Texas), Cedric Wilson (New York), Danielle Gallo (Texas), Danita VanHoose (Texas), Elisse Gachupin (Texas), Jill Hakala (Texas), Mortimer Ex (Texas), Ruben Ramirez (Texas), and Chasity Porter (Texas).

(text adapted from material provided by the curator)


Hardy & Nance Studios
902 Hardy Street
Houston, Texas 77020 USA
Use contact form on their website

open during events, see the website