Collage Art & Book Market
Saturday, 10 June 2022, 1-5PM
Cafe Istanbul in the New Orleans Healing Center
2372 St. Claude Ave, New Orleans, LA 70117 [map]
Admission is free. Please let us know you are coming by registering HERE.
Part of Kolaj Fest New Orleans, the Collage Art & Book Market is an opportunity for the general public to meet artists and publishers and to take in the rich and diverse cultural production of the international collage community. The public will be invited to peruse vendor displays or attend a talk or demonstration. The event is free and open to the public.

Andrea Burgay
Brooklyn, New York
Andrea Burgay is the founder and editor of Cut Me Up Magazine, a participatory magazine of visual call and response. She also explores collage concepts and processes through interviews and curatorial projects. In her studio, Andrea creates collage works by adding and removing layers of handmade and collected materials. At the market, Andrea will be offering Cut Me Up Issue 10 (Reconnect) and (possibly) Cut Me Up Issue 11 (Souvenir). www.cutmeupmagazine.com

5.5″x 6″ each (folded to 5.5″x8″); collages (paper, tape, Duralar) and typewritten poems; 2023
Andrea Lewicki
Duvall, Washington
Andrea Lewicki writes and makes collage art near Seattle. She is attracted to abandoned things, starting with the tiny desert community of retirees from her Arizona childhood. She is the founder of Special Agent Collage Collective, an international gathering in the scissors-and-glue-stick world. At the Market, she will offer zines with collage and poetry, matchbook collages, and zines from Special Agent Collage Collective projects. www.andrealewicki.com

8.5”x13”; hand-carved stamps, print and paint on recycled print calibration paper; 2022
Barbara Miner
Bowling Green, Ohio
Barbara Miner’s mixed media sculptures, installation works, paintings and prints, informed by the nexus of human/nature interaction, and the practice of meditative repetition. At the Market, Miner will be offering high resolution, archival reproductions of collage originals. www.barbarawfminer.com

12″x9″; collage on coffee-stained paper; 2022.
Chasity Porter
Missouri City, Texas
Chasity Porter is a Texas mixed media artist with a concentration in collage, assemblage, and making zines. She is also presenting “Collaborative Collage” with Stacy Kirages at the Kolaj Institute Studio at The School Art Studios on Friday. At the Market, she will be selling original collage and mixed media works and zines. www.dormalouproject.com

10″x10″; collage on board; 2020.
Craig Auge
Kansas City, Missouri
In Craig Auge’s work, he explores relationships; the relationship between material, shape, color, gesture and mark-making. These formal explorations potentially speak to relationships with self, each other, and what we call reality. Traditional notions of collage & craft, alternative bookmaking, sculpture, and design merge. Auge is offering small-format collages; one-of-a-kind collage pin-back buttons; collage cards; digital collage prints; artist books and collage “kits”. www.craigdeppenauge.com

Dolores Hopper
New Orleans, Louisiana
Dolores Hopper is a professional archivist who loves paper and paper arts. She will be offering packets of the unusual and beautiful papers she has collected over the years. She thinks collage artists will appreciate her hand-printed and inked papers as well as pages from old books. Instagram @dark_ephemera

36″x108″; Donald Rumsfeld selection from Analogue magazine collage assembled on vellum; 2018.
Emily Denlinger
Cape Girardeau, Missouri
Emily Denlinger’s collage images capture her psychological interpretation of reality. As someone with an active dream life, she works to find the connections between her awake and asleep lives. Denlinger is particularly interested in exploring themes surrounding the military industrial complex and its impact on regular citizens day-to-day lives along with issues of identity, survival, truth, and power. Denlinger will be selling buttons and stickers that are cropped versions of her collages; small prints; and postcards. www.emilydenlinger.com

Jessa Dupuis
Cobble Hill, British Columbia
Jessa Dupuis’ work is a delicate balance of losing, winning, observing, wondering, letting go, and reclaiming. Merging art and design, abstraction and order, truth and fiction, her intention is to create pieces that allow people to laugh, cry, wonder, and connect with their own narratives in her visual storytelling. At the Market, Dupuis is offering her Tunnel Books and collages on book covers. She is giving a demonstration of her Tunnel Book process at The Domino on Friday, 3-5PM. www.jessadupuis.art

10″x8″; book and magazine cuttings, glue; 2021.
Lynn Gall
New York, New York
Lynn Gall is an enthusiastic lover of all things paper and have been since her childhood days helping her mother in her antique ephemera business. All aspects of collage delight her: the hunting, the sorting, the cutting and pasting into a compelling image. Gall has published two books, which she will be selling at the Market: Collage Brain and Mythic Creatures, as well as collections of small, original collages.

5.5″x3.5″; acrylic, composite sail material, thread on paper; 2022.
Monica Church
Poughkeepsie, New York
When traveling, Monica d. Church actively collects ephemera and trash and gain an understanding of that city, neighborhood, or culture by what is freely discarded. She integrates these found materials with her old artwork and family memorabilia creating small “diary” entries transforming these unrelated materials to tell new stories. This transformation is the framework for her collages. At the Market, Monica Church is selling small scale, original unframed collages on paper. www.monicachurch.org

8″x8″; paper ephemera on wood panels; 2022
Paloma Trecka
Chicago, Illinois
Paloma Trecka creates collage-based work that explores abstraction in both the flat medium of collage and through time-based media. Her abstract compositions explore expressionist painting issues through the medium of paper and various low relief materials. Her nonobjective interplays of color, forms and spaces deny narrative references and representations of life outside of the medium. Trecka is selling original, ready-to-hang collages, unframed sketch work and limited editions of mini-zines. www.palomashaloma.com

7.75″x5.75″; collage on cardboard; 2022
Ric Kasini Kadour
New Orleans, Louisiana & Montreal, Quebec
Ric Kasini Kadour’s art practice is concept-driven and project-based. He makes a variety of objects–photographs, prints, collage, and sculpture–that he uses to tell stories, often in museum installations. Themes range from epistemology, history, archives, and society’s relationship with art, to more personal themes of intimacy, loss, epiphany and memory that point to an emerging new reality or consciousness. Kadour will have original analog collages for sale at the Market. www.rickasinikadour.com

Rosie Schinners
Salt Spring Island, British Columbia
Working primarily with vintage imagery, Rosie Schinners explores and expresses fleeting moments of magic, alchemy, and nostalgia. One particular definition of alchemy is “a seemingly magical process of transformation, creation, or combination.” Rosie Schinners will have her paper-based jewelry, blank collage greeting cards, and stickers. www.rosieschinners.ca

19″x13″; found paper, silver gelatin print, glue; 2023
Stephen Tomasko
Akron, Ohio
Though Stephen Tomasko’s practice of making art is quite varied across a range of disciplines including collage, photography, mail art, encaustic painting, and drawing, what binds it all together is an urge to assemble amazing bits of existence in a way that reveals anew. Ever the storyteller, Tomasko’s work is a quest to visually create that which cannot easily be said. Wants, hopes, dreams. At the Market, you will find original collages, both in 19″x13″ and postcard alterations. www.stephentomasko.com

12″x9″; hand-cut collage using vintage imagery and personal photographs on Bristol Board; 2018
Susan Lerner
New York, New York
Susan Lerner constructs whimsical surreal compositions into complex visual stories, exploring relationships in the world. The work embodies the attitude that anything is possible. Lerner is motivated by the pursuit of the hunt for the images both in print and through the viewfinder. The process of hand cutting and then layering pieces into exaggerated forms is simultaneously meditative and stimulating. The artist will be selling original, unframed, hand-cut collages on 12″x9″ Bristol Board. www.mixdmediamashup.com

Kolaj Magazine & Institute
New Orleans, Louisiana
Kolaj Magazine is an internationally-oriented, printed, art magazine that reviews and surveys contemporary collage. We are interested in collage as a medium, a genre, a community, and a 21st century art movement. Kolaj Institute publishes books that document and diffuse ideas that deepen our understanding of collage as a medium, a genre, a community, and a 21st century movement. Books are often outcomes of residencies, fellowships, and other projects. Recent titles include Folklore of the Upper Nithsdale; Wallflowers: Collage as Street Art; Empty Columns Are a Place to Dream; Oh, Money! Money! by Eleanor H. Porter; The Money $how: Cash, Labor, Capitalism, & Collage; Unfamiliar Vegetables: Variations in Collage. www.kolajinstitute.org