Chappaquiddick Island1969 8.25″x5.75″; handmade paper collage on greyboard; 2022
Miranda Millward Oxford, Oxon, United Kingdom
My collage practice plays upon our memories real and fictional, individual and collective and the place where these memories overlap but also diverge. In life and as an artist I am fascinated by serendipity and nostalgia in terms of what we decide to preserve and in what we abandon.
My subject matter is often rooted in the feminine. The lives lived by women past and present; the roles women have occupied within society and female sexuality are often reference points. There is often a surface gloss to my work that belies a more complex and nuanced narrative.
I am fascinated by the notion of the palimpsest. My work is multi-layered with several layers of paper covering my picture plane. Imagery is cropped, obscured, obfuscated and covered over to create a narrative that is unclear or not easily readable.
Colour is an important unifier within my practice to corral together what often appears fractured, fragmented, chaotic, disparate and uncertain. I say very little about individual works and invite the viewer to make sense of what they see.
Miranda Millward lives and works in Oxford, United Kingdom. Since 2018, Miranda has been making hand cut analogue collage works using a variety of vintage ephemera and papers. Miranda has exhibited her work both nationally and internationally and has had her work included in several magazines, publications and books including Contemporary Collage Magazine, Kolaj Magazine, The Cutting Chaos, Collage Care, Collage Care: The Method and several publications by the Edinburgh Collage Collective. Miranda has several works in the prestigious Kanyer Art Collection. In 2022 Miranda was a winner of a Contemporary Collage Magazine Award.
Half Empty 8.25″x5.75″; handmade paper collage on greyboard; 2022No Other Woman Has Your Loveliness 8.25″x5.75″; handmade paper collage on greyboard; 2022Difficult to Prove 8.25″x5.75″; handmade paper collage on greyboard; 2022Beauty Queen at Seventeen 8.25″x5.75″; handmade paper collage on greyboard; 2022