Paula Grenon

Love Doing Something by Paula Grenon
Love Doing Something
7″x5″; paper; 2014

Paula Grenon
Bloomfield Kings County, New Brunswick, Canada


By a stream and surrounded by Pines, it is late and the radio gets flipped on and off. Peggy sits, working at her desk, in the house that she has built out of books. With her tiny scissors, she is composing love letters and drawing cartoons and sorting out how to feel about the devastating news. She is both a witch and a child. Timid and wild. She is frightened and insightful, wondering if there is going to be a fight. Awake all night, snipping.


Paula Grenon is the brute behind the brains of a collage making enterprise that consists of: one lady at a desk. She does freelance illustrative work and has exhibited in a few Canadian places: Ottawa, Halifax, Saint John, Hampton, and Sussex. She lives in rural New Brunswick, Canada, and has just planted some broccoli seeds and is, right now, on her way out the door to go and collect the eggs.


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Woman Holding a Paintbrush by Paula Grenon
Woman Holding a Paintbrush
5″x3″; paper; 2010

Barking Dog by Paula Grenon
Barking Dog
11″x6″; paper; 2010

It's a Gamble by Paula Grenon
It’s A Gamble
5″x3″; paper; 2014