Peter Evans

Not What Was Done
30″x20″; decollage with appropriated posters, acrylic and acrylic medium on card; 2014

Peter Evans
London, England, United Kingdom

“His inspiration is the residual trappings of urban decay–these the transitional spaces–that point of realignment where unformulated chaos absorbs the propaganda of commerce; where the original message becomes throwaway.

“He recycles the work of the profit-making visionary into new worlds – a place of flux, via a shredded reworking of the wallpaper of our society” – James Straffon

Born in London (1979), but growing up in Essex, Peter was always drawn to the beauty of the urban decay of the big city compared to the manicured surroundings of the suburbs. Layers of torn posters, peeling paint and graffiti would draw him in and it is this inherent love of the “natural” art of the city which inspires him and forms the basis of his output today. After discovering the work of Hannah Hoch, Peter was turned on to collage and was able to marry his obsession for the city with a desire to talk about its inhabitants, exploring their wants, needs, desires and complexities along with his own. Reflecting the beauty he sees around him through the art he creates, Peter tells at least a small part of our story.

Peter lives and works in London.


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Summer Canned
13.4″x10.2″; paper; 2014

20″x16″x1″; appropriated fly posters and acrylic medium; 2014

24″x20″x0.7″; appropriated fly posters and acrylic medium; 2014

Until Next Year
20″x20″x2″; appropriated fly posters and acrylic medium; 2014