BLEND: A Cooperative Collage Book

by Allan Bealy

BLEND is a collaborative collage project with 26 international artists who were sent identical “starter” collages to complete in any way they chose. The results speak to creative ingenuity and the power of cooperation and collaboration.

Allan Bealy began this project in October 2019 at Volume 2 MTL, Montreal’s Art Book Fair, in a symposium on the role of the book in collage. Bealy’s presentation explored the possibilities of using the printed page as a vehicle for disseminating one’s work as opposed to scarce gallery opportunities. He invited members of the audience (and later, artists within his online circle) to collaborate in a collage project that would take advantage of the economics of on-demand printing.

Collage by Andrea Burgay
Courtesy of the artist and Benzine Editions.

“The response was enthusiastic and so I made a simple “starter” collage that I hoped would work with a disparate group of creative solutions,” said Bealy. “The visual breadth of the finished work is wonderful and I am incredibly grateful to each artist’s outpouring of creative energy.”

Text adapted from the author’s press materials

by Allan Bealy
30 pages
Benzine Editions, New York, New York; 2019

Purchase the book or download a digital copy from the publisher HERE