COOLLAGE – A Closer Lookby TintenkillersCollage artists are masters at defining a message and finding the right way to create and share it. They do this by recomposing mostly existing images, texts, colors and shapes. For the inspiring and instructive book Coollage, Bart Heesen and Rob Benders, together the Tintenkillers, have made a careful selection, consisting of collages by 45 international collage artists who deal with global themes in an accessible and original way. They have taken 12 fragments from each work, which can be found in the collage on the next page. In this way, Bart and Rob challenge children and adults to look at art more consciously and with different eyes. Tintenkillers use art and cultural education on a daily basis for talent development within education, organizations and governments. ABOUT THE AUTHORS ABOUT THE BOOK Purchase the book from the publisher HERE |