Nuclear Waste: Poetry and Collage

Father and Daughters by Mary Hope Whitehead Lee
7.76″x6″; found images on paper; 1994
Courtesy of the artist.

Nuclear Waste: Poetry and Collage

by Mary Hope Whitehead Lee

A deeply personal exploration of the lived consequences of family violence. It is also the realization of a small handful of firsts: the writer’s first published collection of poems, the artist’s first published collection of collage art, and the neophyte bookmaker’s first handmade book which was designed by Ryan Greene and hand-sewn and assembled by the poet-artist. The project was originally conceived in Oakland, California in 1994 and revived and printed as the second volume of F*%k if I Know, a Phoenix-based independent publisher whose works are housed at Palabras Bilingual Bookstore.

Mother and Son by Mary Hope Whitehead Lee
7.76″x6″; found images on paper; 1994
Courtesy of the artist.

About the author:
Mary Hope Whitehead Lee began experimenting with poetry in 1969 and collage art in 1970. She and the book’s designer, Ryan Greene, are active members of the Cardboard House Press Cartonera Collective, where they met in the spring of 2018. Her poetry, short fiction, and book & arts reviews have appeared in Plexus, This Bridge Called My Back, Callaloo, Chick-Lit: Postfeminist Fiction, Essence magazine, Language in Society, The Journal of Creole Studies, and Feminist Studies, among others, and most recently in the inaugural edition of Little Somethings Press.

Text adapted from the author’s press materials

Nuclear Waste: Poetry and Collage
by Mary Hope Whitehead Lee
48 pages
ISBN 978-1-7342-1310-2
$17 US
F*%k if I Know, Phoenix, Arizona; 2020

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