{th ink} Special Edition: #blackcollagesmatter

{th ink} Special Edition: #blackcollagesmatter

Brittany M. Reid, Curator
Aaron Beebe Collage (ABC), Designer

#Blackcollagesmatter is a project born from the question, “Why is there a disproportionate amount of collage art featuring Black source material?”

Breathe of Mist by Kyuss Reon
9″x6″; paper; 2020. Courtesy of the artist and Aaron Beebe Collage (ABC)

This special edition of {th ink} features thirty-seven original collages from thirty-seven artists that highlight Black subjects and seek to increase the creation and exposure of Black art within the collage community.

Curated by Brittany M. Reid (Paper Heart Gallery) and designed by Aaron Beebe Collage (ABC), a portion of the proceeds of every sale will be donated to the Black Trans Femmes in the Arts Collective.

Text adapted from the designers’s press materials

{th ink} Special Edition: #blackcollagesmatter
Curated by Brittany M. Reid
Designed by Aaron Beebe Collage (ABC)
76 pages, softcover
ISBN 9781715629571
$25.00 US
Aaron Beebe Collage (ABC), Frederick, Maryland; 2020

Purchase the book HERE