Brittany M. Reid, Curator Aaron Beebe Collage (ABC), Designer
#Blackcollagesmatter is a project born from the question, “Why is there a disproportionate amount of collage art featuring Black source material?”
Breathe of Mist by Kyuss Reon 9″x6″; paper; 2020. Courtesy of the artist and Aaron Beebe Collage (ABC)
This special edition of {th ink} features thirty-seven original collages from thirty-seven artists that highlight Black subjects and seek to increase the creation and exposure of Black art within the collage community.
ABOUT THE BOOK {th ink} Special Edition: #blackcollagesmatter Curated by Brittany M. Reid Designed by Aaron Beebe Collage (ABC) 76 pages, softcover 9″x6″ ISBN 9781715629571 $25.00 US Aaron Beebe Collage (ABC), Frederick, Maryland; 2020