
Universalraum (Universal Space)

by Susanna Lakner

Universalraum is about space and time and how making collage can be a form of time travel. Lakner posits that we are in a universal space, where everything can be visible simultaneously. Past and present.

The first part of the book, from “Atmosphäre/Atmosphere” up to “Durch die Linse/Through the Lens”, is the visible world, the “absolute space”. The second part is the “relative space” where through a “Wurmloch/Wormhole” everything changes. Persons from the past meet with persons in the present. And finally, the whole world is a “Weltgarten/World Garden”, where the plants regenerate time after time and trees see everything from the past to the present and further into the future. Grass grows now where bloody wars have happened and the fruits from the trees are sorted from generation to generation.

Universalraum (Universal Space)
by Susanna Lakner
50 pages; 7.25″x5.5″
ISBN 978-3-948750-98-5
€15 plus shipping
Moloko Plus, Germany, May 2023

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