Duncan Johnson: Collaging with Wood

Conveyer by Duncan Johnson (30"x24")

Kolaj contributor Ric Kasini Kadour interviewed Vermont-based artist Duncan Johnson.

In Issue Five, Kadour delves into the career and practice of Duncan Johnson,who gathers wood from landfills and construction sites around his home in Hartford, Vermont and converts the refuse into colourful, two-dimensional works that hover somewhere between painting, sculpture, and collage.

People have compared my work to collage and I don’t disagree with them. I love collage. There are aspects of what I am doing that remind me of that process. It has to do with the way things react when they are butted up against each other. There is a tension that collage gives you. I experience it all the time with the melding of two things. Where they meet is that collage energy.

To read the full interview, purchase Issue Five or SUBSCRIBE to never miss an issue.

by Duncan Johnson
reclaimed wood, wire nails, graphite
Courtesy of the artist