Artist Portfolio: Gemma Anton
Gemma Anton, who works under the name espacios-parentesis, is an architect who sees public space as a “moving collage” of differences. As a lifetime spectator of great collagists, she figured the next natural step was trying to make them herself. Now, cutting and pasting has become more a need than a choice.
A portfolio of Anton’s work appears in KOLAJ #13.
“The play between black and white space in Anton’s abstract work is a point of interest, as the black acts as a positive space within the white area, whereas it feels as if it should be a negative opening or abyss.”
-Ariane Fairlie
Anton splits her time between Paris and Valencia. She is listed in the Kolaj Magazine Artist Directory. To see the Artist Portfolio, PURCHASE KOLAJ #13 or SUBSCRIBE to never miss an issue.
Image: equilibrium 1 by Gemma Anton (8.2″x10.8″; cut-and-paste: paper, thread and staples on cardboard; 2013)