Kolaj Institute Announces Program for Kolaj LIVE Knoxville
Kolaj LIVE Knoxville is a real time manifestation of Kolaj Magazine and Kolaj Institute.
From the evening of Friday, November 5th to Sunday, November 7th, 2021, artists, curators, and writers will gather for a weekend of collage making, slideshows, exhibition visits, and storytelling that deepen our understanding of collage as a medium, a genre, a community, and a 21st century movement.
Over the weekend, collage artists from across the United States will make presentations that raise pertinent issues about 21st century collage. Artists will share their practices, speak about projects they are working on, discuss how they use vintage materials or use collage to explore queer ecology. Throughout the weekend, Collage Making will be happening.
Presenters will speak about how collage sorts identity, collage as feminist identity, teaching collage, a tour of Uncollage in the Knoxville Museum of Art’s collections, and much more. Bring your questions, an open mind, and conversation!
Kolaj LIVE Knoxville is based at the Knoxville Museum of Art,
the site of “Under Construction: Collage from the Mint Museum.”