15.7″x23.6″; collage on fresco tear; 2023. Courtesy of the artist.
Silvia Beltrami: Fragmenta
at Ticinese Art Gallery in Milan, Italy
14 December 2023-10 February 2024
Silvia Beltrami’s “Fragmenta” series is a material investigation characterized by fresco tearing, a procedure by which a fresco is taken away from its original wall, by removing the pictorial part and the surface plaster and then transferred onto a new support (calicot method, from the name of the thin canvas also called “grandmother’s rag”, which is used to remove the fresco) where the artist subsequently intervenes by applying fragments of coated paper.

35″x51.2″; collage on fresco tear; 2023. Courtesy of the artist.
“Fragmenta” draws inspiration from current events, which, mediated by the mass media, become propaganda, not allowing space for free thought and, therefore, feeding homogenisation. These works reproduce reality using fragments of reality, interpreting new infinite lives through them, where each fragment has its own history and the more they are, the more they overlap with each other and the more they lose their original identity, quoting Daniels’ movie Everything Everywhere All at Once. Beltrami always places the figure as a point of reference, expressing a poetics whose fulcrum is humanity, a humanity constantly running away from itself and from the others.
(text adapted from material provided by the gallery)
Ticinese Art Gallery
Corso San Gottardo 37 (inner courtyard)
20136 Milan, Italy
+39 2 35991412
Monday, 3-7:30PM
Tuesday-Saturday, 10AM-1PM and 3-7:30PM