
On the Mutability of Things #11 by Edwards + Johann
drawing and watercolour on photograph; 2019. Courtesy of the artists


Edwards + Johann: Mutability—propositions to an unknown universe

at the Christchurch Art Gallery in Christchurch, New Zealand
14 September 2024-9 February 2025

Transformation is at the heart of “Mutability–propositions to an unknown universe”. It features the work of Victoria Edwards and Ina Johann, Ōtautahi Christchurch-based artists who have collaborated as “Edwards + Johann” since 2007.

Edwards + Johann use a range of different materials and processes–photography, drawing, collage, sculpture and more–often layering these over each other so that their works evolve through multiple states. “Edwards + Johann: Mutabilities—propositions to an unknown universe” combines a selection of works from the last five years with new sculptures–some still in a state of “becoming”–to deliver an intriguing and transporting art experience.

Artistic residencies, in New Zealand, Scotland, France and Switzerland, have been a key part of Edwards + Johann’s practice, providing an opportunity to absorb the atmosphere and history of unfamiliar locations and then use this as a catalyst for artmaking.

Geomorphic Conversation #2 by Edwards + Johann
partially hand-colored photograph; 2020-2023. Courtesy of the artists

Their new exhibition is shaped by their responses to two very different places–Ōtautahi Christchurch and Whakaari White Island, located near Whakatāne on the east coast of the North Island. The pair visited Whakaari twice in 2018 as part of the Volcanic Arts Residency and were immediately struck by its dramatic and ever-changing landscape. The following year, the volcanic crater erupted violently, resulting in the deaths of 22 people.

Many of the works included in this exhibition show objects transforming from one state to another – there are edges, slippages and strange juxtapositions, but also possibilities.  

(text adapted from material provided by the gallery)


Christchurch Art Gallery Te Puna o Waiwhetū
Corner Worcester Boulevard and Montreal Street
Christchurch 8140, New Zealand
+64 3 941 7300

Sunday-Tuesday, Thursday-Saturday, 10AM-5PM
Wednesday, 10AM-9PM