50″x41.5″; vintage paper, acrylic and graphite on canvas; 2023. Courtesy of the artist.
Jacqueline Dee Parker: Open House in the Memory Palace
at the Baton Rouge Gallery in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, USA
3-26 October 2023
Jacqueline Dee Parker writes:
Building a memory palace is a way of recalling what one wishes not to forget. In the context of my work, it serves as a metaphor for interrogation of remembered spaces. As Gaston Bachelard explains in The Poetics of Space, an inhabited space transcends its geometrical constraints, becoming a container in which past, present and future may collectively reside. Such an inclusive and emotional sense of space has long informed my practice. Source materials include antique and vintage papers from music, literature and other ephemera. These chosen fragments of lived experience reference a personal lineage as well as my esteem for the analog culture that is rapidly dematerializing from all human life.

30″ diameter; vintage paper, acrylic and graphite on canvas; 2023. Courtesy of the artist.
(text adapted from material provided by the artist)
Baton Rouge Gallery
1515 Dalrymple Drive
Baton Rouge, Louisiana 70808 USA
(225) 383-1470
Tuesday-Sunday, Noon-4PM