Last September, Laurence King published an intriguing book about collage aptly named Cut & Paste. Put together by Richard Brereton with Caroline Roberts, this publication presents over 250 images from more than 40 contemporary artists.
Catherine Farish is a print artist who, while playing with the notions of what is and isn’t print, seems to have stumbled upon collage. One of her most recent series uses piano rolls to depict music.
The accumulation of small objects within Josée Landry Sirois’ work creates a tension, an allusion to excess, and experimentation with something whole, yet made of many smaller elements.
A review and report from Montreal’s Papier12 by Ariane Fairlie. An annual contemporary art fair of works on paper presented by the Association of Contemporary Art Galleries (AGAC), Papier 12 was held April 12-15, 2012, in a large tent at the edge of Place des Arts in downtown Montreal.