![]() Grownby Katana LippartRules? Rules to this world- oh heavens, no. I’ve been here since the flowers began to bloom and there’s been no rules. Simple respects. That’s all. It’s understood. It helps our society to blossom. Well, it did…then they came with the machines, then they came with the power, then they learned what greed was and used it to destroy one another. They didn’t do it on purpose I suppose, but the flowers began to die. They began to wither. New houses. New technologies. Different power. Same greed. There were no flowers anymore. Look around now. What are we to do? How do we learn from the past? I want my children to see the flowers again. Will they know their beauty? Ah, beauty…it’s harder to find these days, but for as long as I remember the day, I call you, too. ![]() About the artist: ABOUT THE BOOK For more information about this work, visit the artist’s website HERE. |