

Anelor Robin’s Wandering Contemporary Collage Project Hits the Road

GlueHeads is a “wandering contemporary collage project” started in Berlin in 2015 by Anelor Robin. Each single day exhibition results in a compliation ‘zine about 6 months later. A profile of the project appears in Kolaj #19.

A profile of GlueHeads appears in Kolaj #19. To see this article and others from the issue, SUBSCRIBE to Kolaj Magazine or Get a Copy of the Issue.


Our culture tends to put people in boxes which can be difficult to escape, therefore it’s always been my curatorial aim to bring together artists who would normally never meet.


To read the full article and learn more about GlueHeads, SUBSCRIBE to Kolaj Magazine or Get a Copy of the Issue.

In May 2017, Robin takes GlueHeads to Tétouan in Morocco, where she will be in residence at the French Cultural Institute. Additional events are in the works for Teheran and Belgrade. GlueHead ‘zines are available at Staalplaat, Neurotitan, and Supalife Kiosk in Berlin and around Europe in the traveling library, Zine of the Zone. Learn more at and Facebook (GlueHeadsmagazine).

Images: Page spreads from GlueHeads #4.