In presenting a Pre-Issue, our goal is to offer a taste of what is to come. The first issue of Kolaj will include a number of features not presented in these pages. We invite you to join us on Facebook where you will become part of a community of collage enthusiasts.
Here is a brief presentation of what is to come.
Articles in Kolajwill explore a topic related to how collage is made, how collage is exhibited, or how collage is collected. We are interested in articles that explore collage on a thematic level—how collage speaks to our moment in time—and articles about the history of collage and biographies of artists who have made collage in the past.
Since we are interested in everything related to contemporary collage, we will be on the lookout for exhibitions, book launches, websites, art fairs. While we will use the web to report events as they occur, our print issues will present critical reviews of recent events involving collage.
Artist Portfolios
The magazine will be a showcase of collage from around the world. Artist Portfolios will publish three to five images of artwork and a short biography of the artist. In doing this, we aim to document and diffuse the work of artists, promote exchange, and inform curators and collectors.
Cardboard City
Where in the world is the best place to make, show or buy contemporary collage? This series of articles will present a new city in each issue. While interviewing local artists and galleries owners, we will try to discover the best places in town and catch a glimpse of the city’s (spirit, vibe).
The Cut-Out Page
This page will present imagery from various sources, carefully selected by our team of contributors or occasional guests. Our readers will be encouraged to cut out some of these images to create their own collage, that could be featured in the magazine. Get you scissors and glue…
In The Studio
In each issue, Kolaj readers will be invited to visit the workplace of a collage artist. While it’s always interesting to have a look behind the scene, the focus will be directed towards the elements that reveal hints of the creation process.
We believe that a project like Kolaj must be participative and gather the participants together to reflect what’s happening in the collage world. Through our website, anyone interested will have the opportunity to submit images to be published in the magazine. Will you be in the next issue? CLICK HERE…for more information.
The Cut-out Page
The End is Near by Carl David Ruttan